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7 Survival Tips To Consider Before Your Large Main Line Remodel Begins

Many of our Main Line clients tells us they’re devoted to their neighbors and community, including the schools their children attend. But at some point they realize their home isn’t working as well as it used to. Maybe you’ve come to the same conclusion. The family’s growing, teenagers are using the kitchen as the neighborhood hangout, or the original layout no longer works for the way your family lives.

Large scale remodels are a great way to stay in the community you love while adding all the upgrades you need. From project design to final build, every remodeling project we do at Cottage Industries is aimed at helping you achieve your family’s lifestyle needs and goals, with minimum disruption and stress. A big remodel involves a fairly significant commitment of time, money, and patience, but it can add livability, comfort, and value to your existing home.

Tips for Your Main Line Remodel

Over the years we’ve put together some great tips to help our clients get through a large-scale remodel with their sanity and sense of humor intact:

Prepare for What Lies Ahead

Forewarned is forearmed, and starting the planning process early on can soothe your nerves and help keep the entire family on an even keel. Make a list of every detail: budget, timeline, and the scope and scale of the project. At Cottage Industries, we begin with an in-home consultation that includes questions designed to discover your priorities and goals. We believe it’s the best first step to creating a comprehensive design proposal that leaves little room for big surprises.

Move Out or Stay Put?

There are some large remodels where it isn’t possible for a family to stay in the home the entire time the work’s being done. In those cases, you’ll want to plan well in advance for an alternative living space. If your family will be living in the house during the remodel, you’ll need to plan for some interruption to your day-to-day routine. For example, some homeowners have set up a temporary kitchen in their garage or laundry room. Other disruptions to anticipate include:


ZipWalls are the first layer of protection and can be lifesavers, but there will still be some dust that makes it way to corners of your home. Where needed, we will use a compression-fit temporary wall that isolates the area under construction from the rest of the house. Air filtering systems can help by pulling the dust from the air.


From whining saws to the thump-thump of nail guns, there will be days when it is a constant. If possible, set up a room far from the racket where family members can escape, and consider investing in some good noise cancelling headphones if you will be around all day.

Anticipate mood swings.

There’ll be days you’re elated because the lavender tile has been removed from the bath, and others where you just can’t bear having a construction crew in the kitchen. Everyone goes through these ups and downs. Just hang in there and envision your newly remodeled home. Take comfort in the fact that homeowners tend to get most restless right before the job’s complete. Always tell your project manager if something is bothering you. Sometimes a small change that your project manager can make will be a big improvement in your life.

Plan for the unexpected.

Existing conditions like Improper wiring, damaged piping, and other unexpected surprises can occur. No one likes them, including your contractor, but if you mentally prepare yourself for the possibility, you’ll find them easier to accept. And changes can disrupt the best laid plans. Maybe you didn’t realize wood floors were a better choice than tile. Whatever change you want to make, it will probably add some time – and may change the budget. The sooner you make the change the better it can be worked into the plan.

Some final detailing may occur farther out.

Be prepared for one or two punch-list items that are resolved after major construction is complete. It may be some final tiles, a light fixture that didn’t quite work out, or a backordered towel bar. Whatever they are, remember that you’ll be glad you took the time to get the smallest of details right. At Cottage, we don’t rest until the job is 100% complete.

The Cottage Industries Process

Large-scale remodels can be stressful, but they are absolutely worth it in the end. We do our best to help our clients enjoy the process as much as possible. We believe that knowing what to expect helps allay our clients’ fears, and makes them better prepared for the remodel to come.

Adam Sherman

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