There is no one-size fits all solution when it comes to construction and remodeling projects. Each one requires careful consideration of the needs involved and what type of construction will best fit to meet those specific demands. When deciding between design-build and traditional construction, cost is among the important factors that must be taken into account. Local kitchen remodeling contractor Cottage Industries, Inc. explains further.

What Is Design-Build?
Design-build is a project delivery method that incorporates design, engineering, and construction services into one team that works together from concept to completion. This type of service is often associated with projects such as custom homes or additions because it allows for more creativity and flexibility than traditional construction.
What Is Traditional Construction?
In traditional construction, the process is divided among different teams, with the builders following the plans of an outside architect. While it may be a less expensive option, this type of project delivery can also lead to misinformation being passed along between separate teams or during price negotiations.
Cost Comparison
While there is no clear-cut answer to whether design-build is more expensive than traditional construction, several factors can impact the cost of each method.
- Design-Build
Design-build is often considered a more expensive method of construction management. This is because design builders take on greater responsibility for the project. With this increased responsibility comes a higher level of risk, which can result in higher costs. However, it can also offer several cost-saving benefits. By taking on both design and construction, the contractor can streamline communication, minimize change orders, and optimize the construction process, resulting in reduced overall project costs.
- Traditional Construction
Traditional construction involves separate entities for both design and construction, which can offer more flexibility in terms of design and pricing. However, this approach can also result in higher costs and longer project timelines. The design phase can take longer and lead to more change orders as there can be communication breakdowns between the designer and the contractor. Additionally, the bidding process can be time-consuming. There’s also a higher risk of disputes and legal issues between the different entities involved in the project.
In the end, whether you choose design-build or traditional construction depends on the size and needs of the project. No matter which method you choose, be sure to thoroughly research home services in Wayne, PA, so that you get a qualified team of professionals who can deliver quality results.
Count on Cottage Industries, Inc.!
From bathroom remodeling to historic restoration, Cottage Industries, Inc. is the name to call. Our team treats each project with the attention and care that it needs to be meticulously designed and executed. We take our responsibility as design-builders very seriously, and we know that transforming your home into your dream space can only be properly done with a proven process and the best professionals in the industry. Get started by calling us today at (610) 293-9750 or filling out our contact form.